Spring and summer fun may lead to its share of burns, bumps and bruises from the great outdoors--but that's nothing a handy first aid kit can't fix.
If your home's first aid kit is looking sparse (or is missing entirely), take a look at today's blog for a few great ways to prep it for the fun months ahead!
For scrapes:
Hop-scotch. Jump rope. Afternoon bike rides. Adventures with rollerblading...
Bottom line? There's no shortage of fun ways to enjoy the great outdoors this summer! For small bumps and scrapes that go along with lots of time on the pavement, these items are always smart to have on hand:
- Adhesive bandages in an assortment of sizes
- Compress dressings
- Antibiotic packets
- Antiseptic wipes
- Roller bandages and scissors
- Gauze pads
- Tweezers
Having these items on hand will help you get back to biking, blading, running, jumping and just about anything else, much faster.
For aches:
Aches and pains putting a damper on your summer plans? Supplementing your first aid kit with these items will help you get back to feeling your best:
- Oral thermometer
- Cold compress
- Aspirin packs
For time in the sun:
Finally, we can't forget about time in the sun! Lounging around and soaking up the sun at the pool or beach is one of our favorite Florida pastimes--but for those times when you overdo it, there are a few items that can cool you down! Some first aid essentials (like aspirin or a cold compress) make for natural sunburn soothers; others, like the ones we're listing below, are perfect for cooling down the skin itself:
- Aloe Vera gel
- Moisturizing lotion
The simple addition of a first aid kit can make your home feel that much safer--and, of course, ready to take on whatever life has to throw your way!
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